September 2012 – Qua...

Mary Evelyn Butler was born on June 16, 2007 and is fourteen months old now. She is a good-natured, happy baby. She has brought us so much joy. When she was eight months old we noticed a large growth forming…

September 2012 – Qua...

The 4th Annual Boiling N’ Bragging tailgate event was held Saturday, August 25th at Otey’s in Crestline Village with about 450 in attendance. This was the biggest and best event yet! The annual fundraiser is a District wide initiative to…

This Week, October 2, 2012...

Sharon has served as president of both The University of Alabama Retirees Association (TUARA) and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at The University of Alabama (OLLI). After teaching and serving as the assistant dean in the School of Social Work,…