New from the Rotary Intern...

District 6860 Governor Tom Greene visited and addressed the club last Tuesday. One of his major points in his talk was the importance of The Rotary Foundation and in particular regular annual support for The Foundation by each Rotarian. That […]

David Platt with Blue Cros...

Our Speaker, David Platt of BCBS of Alabama spoke on a variety of different aspects of the new Affordable Healthcare Act. Premiums will be affected beginning January 2014 for differences between fully insured vs. Self Insured. Employers must provide essential […]

An Investment Opportunity

By Frank Deaver  American financier J.P. Morgan (1837-1913) was once asked what he expected the stock market to do. He answered in one word: “fluctuate.” Rotarian investors have witnessed that fluctuation over recent years, with exciting gains followed by frustrating […]