Former Rotarian meets form...

Pictured Above: Former Tuscaloosa Rotarian Rob Guthrie meeting with President Bill Clinton. Rob was giving the former President a tour of the facility where he is working.  Rob’s grandfather, Rotarian Joe Wheeler, provided this picture, so that the Club can […]

This Week, January 15, Gre...

Greg Snodgrass was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisc. He was an athlete throughout high school and college playing soccer, football, and tennis. Family and community service are important to Snodgrass, who has dedicated the last eight years to mentoring […]


Our thoughts and prayers are with the May family after the tragic loss of Rotarian Joe May’s nephew, Will May. There are three new membership proposals to the Rotary Club of Tuscaloosa. They are Matt Hood, Manager Capstone Hotel; Marcus […]