David Massey, Alabama Department of Human Resources – June 6, 2017

Posted By Byron Abston

David has worked with the Department of Human Resources for 33 years. All of his experience has been in the area of Child Welfare. Currently he is a Program Manager in Family Services with the Tuscaloosa County Department of Human Resources. Their goal is to keep children safe and to ensure they have permanency in their lives. David was raised in the small rural community of Reeltown located in Tallapoosa County located near Auburn. He spent most of his youth enjoying sports, church activities and playing on Lake Martin. After years of direct service with families David became a Consultant with the Division of Family and Children’s Services with the State Department of Human Resources. As a Consultant he helped to develop and implement the state’s first Independent Living Program. In this role he worked with county Department staff to promote and support teens in foster care to by developing the skills and plans necessary to succeed upon discharge from the system. 


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