Rotary International Foundation

Posted By rotary

Bruce Baughman was recognized for achieving PHF+3. (That’s Paul Harris Fellow, level three.) Bruce’s contributions as requested went both to the Annual Program Fund and to the PolioPlus program that supports the ongoing efforts to eradicate polio. Please congratulate Bruce.

This past Wednesday, October 24, 2012, was world-wide recognition day for the work that has been done to eradicate polio and a day to focus on what remains. Tremendous progress has been made in this fight. “We are at an historic moment- less than 1% away from the end of polio forever. This past February, we celebrated India being polio-free for a year and in May we celebrated reaching the $200 Million Challenge with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.” Now, we need the continued help of Rotarians to finish the job. District Governor Phil Williams is asking every club in the District to contribute at least $2,000 toward FINISHING the JOB. Please consider contributing what you can toward this effort. Contributions directed to PolioPlus count toward Paul Harris Fellow credit. Discuss with J.G.Brazil, Club Foundation Chair, for details in making a contribution. 



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